Saturday 7 April 2012

FREE BOOK FIND: Benjamin Cole by Kyle Dickerson

FREE to download over through MONDAY is Benjamin Cole by Kyle Dickerson (Click here for UK download).  Why not check it out before it returns to full price?

There are defining moments in every life. Moments that make us stronger, or reveal our demons, even some that change life, itself, forever. Ben had always been a humble man. He didn’t have much, but that’s because he didn’t need much. He was content with his life, helping others where he could, and turning the other cheek when appropriate, always looking for the positive in every situation. But watching a friend die can change all of that very quickly.

Benjamin Cole is a fast paced ride through one man’s realization that not everything turns out for the better, and that even more often things are rarely as they seem. Setting out to seek justice for the wrongs of the world, Benjamin comes face to face with his most significant trial of all: How do you fight evil, without becoming evil? How do you destroy that which you hate, without becoming it yourself?

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