Sunday, 1 July 2012

FREE BOOK FIND: The God Killers by David Simpson

FREE to download TODAY is The God Killers  by David Simpson  (Click here for UK download)  Why not download it before it goes back to full price?

Imagine an alternate reality that appears, on the surface, just like our own. However, in this reality, the white light famously reported at the end of our lives is not an escape or deliverance -- it is a trap. A creature calling itself God in a parallel dimension consumes the souls of humans, devouring their energy to sustain itself. This is the reality that Cipher, Han, Natalie and Father Hurley inhabit in The God Killers. Each has had near death experiences (NDE's) and each was resuscitated before their souls were consumed, coming back to Earth horrified by the truth: there is no exit. 

Now they must attempt the only course of action available to them: they must kill God. With the help of satanic messages decoded from the nonsensical ramblings of the possessed, the group must evade ghosts and demons on their mission to not only save their lives, but, more importantly, their afterlives as well.

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