by Karleene
Destinies is an epic novel of royalty and rural family. Catherine seizes the crown of Russia and a thousand miles away a boy’s life changes forever.
Uprooted from his home near the Rhine River and taken to a hostile land on the Russian steppes, Christian comes up against adversity and setbacks as he attempts to make a new life for himself and his family. His efforts at enlisting a blacksmith and Gypsies to help a Russian girl sold into servitude put all their lives in deadly peril.
Meanwhile, Catherine, in her new role as empress, is surrounded by court intrigue and secret plots to overthrow her; rumors of her lover’s infidelity; an army of wild Cossacks and escaped serfs thundering down on Saratov intent on burning the city, sacking Moscow and locking the empress in a convent. Now Catherine must find a solution to the challenges she faces at court – as Christian must find his own solutions in the colonies.
She holds a B.S. Honors, Sociology and M.S. Educational Psychology. With the first as the study of cultures, group social behavior and the latter addressing the mind and personal behavior, she found these disciplines beneficial in the writing and understanding of another people in another time.
Karleene shares her home at the beach in the Pacific Northwest with her Pomeranian show dogs. She looks forward to receiving messages from her readers while she is at work on her next novel set in 18th century Virginia and a small book soon to be released on Fiction Writing.
This historical novel is written with such grace, compassion and attention to detail that it is like no other I have read before. The story is expressed from two viewpoints, Katherine II, Empress of Russia and Christian Kehler a young boy who departs Germany with his family for a better life in Russia. . . . Destinies by Karleene Morrow is truly a MUST READ.
Marilou George - The Kindle Book Review
Marilou George - The Kindle Book Review
Going back and forth between Katherine the Great and Christian's life was easily done. There is never a time where I got lost or confused. This is a longer book than most, but it never felt like it. I could not put it down. The story is terrific! . . . I'm hoping Destinies will have a sequel. I would love to read another historical novel by Karleene Morrow.
Mary Crocco, Book Reviewer
I just loved reading Destinies, could not stop reading it and I was up until Midnight the first night as I could not put it down, just loved the part with the Gypsy's and Siri , and it was so well written and such an easy read, I finished it the second day , and it is only the good books that keep me into finishing one straight away, as Destinies was.
Daphne R. Bowyer

AWARDS: Destinies is a semi-finalist in Kindle Book Review’s BEST INDIE BOOKS OF 2012 -
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