Monday 31 December 2012

FLASH FICTION AT FIVE: Billy the Bully by K. W. Lumley

Hello, my name is Sammy.

And today was a fun day!

It didn’t start out fun, but it ended fun.

Why didn’t it start fun?

Well I’ll tell ya!

There is a boy in my school named Billy.

Billy isn’t very nice.

Billy is a bully!

What is a Bully?

A bully is a boy or girl,

That is mean to ya, who picks on ya, who might even hit ya.

Ya’re right hitting isn’t very nice!

Billy is a little bit bigger than all the kids in our class.

And he teased everyone.

But he teased me the most.

And he liked to call me Sammy the sissy.

And that hurt my feelings.

And this one day at recess he pushed me,

And I fell down and hurt my fin very bad.

And it made me cry.

All the other kids laughed at me because I was crying.

And that was embarrassing.

But it really hurt,

And I couldn’t stop myself from crying.

It’s okay,

I’m better now.

When I got home from school,

I told my Daddy what had happened!

And do ya know what he said to me?

…Well he told me why bullies pick on people.

He said bullies pick on people because everyone is different,

And they want people to laugh at ya!

Why do they want people to laugh at ya?

It’s because they want everyone to laugh at ya,

So no one see’s that they are different too.

And that way everyone laughs at ya and not them.

Ya know what else he told me?


He said if someone is picking on ya, and bullying ya,

It is okay to tell a grown up.

Ya can tell a teacher,

Ya can tell the nurse,

Ya could even tell yar bus driver!

Or ya can tell yar Mommy or Daddy like I did.

But don’t hide it, Tell someone so they can help ya.

Yar teachers, friends, and family care about ya very much,

And don’t want to see ya hurting and they will help ya.

Ya know what else I learned today?

Billy is a lot like me.

He likes some of the same games as me.

The same toys, all kinds of stuff!

And those things that we both like,

They have made us friends.

And Billy don’t pick on me anymore,

In fact Billy don’t pick on anyone anymore.

Billy only was a Bully because he didn’t have any friends.

But now he has a friend.

That’s right…me!

So do ya see what made today a good day?

Me making a new friend,

And Billy not bullying me anymore made today a good day.

Ya know what made today a fun day?

Billy coming over to my house to play after school made today a fun day.

Whelp, I gotta go,

Have a fun day.

And see ya soon!!

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