Sunday, 10 March 2013

BOOK OF THE DAY: Shadow on the Rose by Laura Jane Leigh

Marion is thrilled when she and her husband, James, buy a lovely, old mansion with a rose garden. After they move in, however, she falls ill and must stay at home to rest. Alone and depressed, she begins to have strange dreams which seem to take her back into the past. Although James is skeptical, Marion believes that when she sleeps, she is leading the life of a young Victorian woman, Mariana. 

Mariana used to visit the house as a guest of her friend Rosamund, whose mother is thought to have drowned while rowing on the river with her husband. During her stays with the family, Mariana comes to suspect that the death was not an accident. She investigates, but meets with obstacles that prevent her from finding the full truth.

Eighty years later, Marion takes up the search. The scene shifts back and forth from the nineteenth century to the twentieth, as her discoveries push forward those of her Victorian alter ego. The latter, after she accuses someone of murder, is never entirely free from doubt: she thinks she may have persecuted an innocent person. By determining what really happened, Marion thinks she can drive away the guilt that has been hovering about the house like a ghost. What she fails to see is that her obsession is damaging her relationship with James. If she’s not careful, she’ll destroy her marriage and her future happiness.

5.0 out of 5 stars Edge of your seat romance/whodunit December 30, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
I loved this story. It is a two-generation historical romance/whodunit. I recommend it to any reader who likes historical romances and/or whodunits. It kept my attention so that I would read a chapter any time I could grab a couple of minutes. Even got up earlier in the morning to have time to read before I had to start my day. I will look for more novels of this genre.

5.0 out of 5 stars good written January 1, 2013
By Vera
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
Nice story: charming, romantic and mysterious, combined with a good writing. I loved it.
Read the book in one day. 


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