Wednesday, 1 May 2013

FREE BOOK FIND: Kick Menstrual Cramps in the Nuts by T.C. Hale

FREE to download TODAY THROUGH SATURDAY is Kick Menstrual Cramps in the Nuts  by T.C. Hale  (Click here for UK Download) Why not download it before it goes back to full price?

KICK MENSTRUAL CRAMPS IN THE NUTS is brought to you by touring comedian turned natural health expert, T.C. Hale (aka Tony Hale). Not only will Hale have you laughing out loud while he reveals the secrets behind cramps and how the human body functions, you will also learn how to look at your own body chemistry to understand the underlying cause of YOUR menstrual cramps. Since the reason cramps can exist varies from person to person, once you understand what is going on with your chemistry, this book will help you understand what foods, supplements, or lifestyle changes could eliminate your desire to scream at inanimate objects once a month.

If you are easily offended or if laughing is too painful while you’re cramping, you can read the more straightforward version of this book, DONE WITH MENSTRUAL CRAMPS. Both versions will teach the same science and the same secrets. In this version, the author just gets to crack himself up.

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