Saturday 15 June 2013

FREE BOOK FIND: Ill-Timed Entanglements by Kassandra Lamb

FREE to download TODAY is ILL-TIMED ENTANGLEMENTS (The Kate Huntington mystery series #2)  by Kassandra Lamb (Click here for UK Download).  Why not download it before it goes back to full price?

No good deed goes unpunished! When Kate Huntington agrees to help Rob Franklin’s elderly aunt with a problem, the “problem” ends up dead and Kate ends up in the middle of a police investigation. This second adventure in the series has a cozy mystery flavor, and a budding romance to spice things up.

As she and her friends wade through a brimming pool of suspects–some of whom have secrets they would prefer stay buried–Kate finds it hard to deny her growing attraction to another party in the investigation. But it’s too soon; she is still grieving for her beloved Eddie. Then Rob surprises everyone when his reaction to this potential romance is both intense and negative. Is he just trying to keep his friend from getting hurt, or could he possibly be jealous?

As the residents of The Villages retirement community continue to die off, and not from natural causes, the question soon becomes not just whether they will find the killer, but at what cost?

(This book is designed to also be read as a stand-alone.)

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