Monday, 16 September 2013

99 CENT BOOK FIND: Flight of the Kikayon by Ryan Kirk

Available for JUST 99 CENTS is Flight of the Kikayon: A Sci-fi Novelette by Ryan Kirk (Click here for UK purchase).  Why not download this  before it goes back to full price?

Clones, motherhood, and a luxury spaceliner. What could possibly go wrong?

With five million credits in her pocket and a nanny-clone to take her place, Lydia thought walking away from her marriage would be easier than sipping cocktails at a society party. But Lydia's plans didn't include an illegal sport-fishing expedition on an interdicted waterworld, and her husband has a scheme of his own.

FLIGHT OF THE KIKAYON is classic sci-fi with a side order of adventure.

Length: 8,100 words, a novelette
Genre: science fiction, space opera, action & adventure
Market: written for adults but YA-friendly (no sex, mild profanity)

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