Friday 8 November 2013

BOOK OF THE DAY: Venice in the Moonlight by Elizabeth McKenna

by Elizabeth McKenna

A Story of Vengeance, Forgiveness, and Love

Considered useless by his cold-hearted father, Nico Foscari, eldest son of one of the founding families in Venice, hides his pain behind gambling, drinking and womanizing.

After her husband's untimely demise, Marietta Gatti returns to her hometown of Venice in hopes of starting a new life and finding the happiness that was missing in her forced marriage.

When Fate throws them together, friendship begins to grow into love until Marietta learns a Foscari family secret that may have cost her father his life. Now, she must choose between vengeance, forgiveness, and love.

Elizabeth McKenna's latest novel takes you back to eighteenth century Carnival, where lovers meet discreetly, and masks make everyone equal.


Elizabeth McKenna works as a full-time technical writer/editor for a large software company. Though her love of books reaches back to her childhood, she had never read romance novels until one Christmas when her sister gave her the latest bestseller by Nora Roberts. She was hooked from page one (actually, she admits it was the first love scene). She had always wanted to write fiction, so when a psychic told her she would write a book, she felt obligated to give it a try. She combined her love of history, romance and a happy ending to write her debut novel Cera's Place. Her short story, The Gypsy Casts a Spell, is available for free on her website She hopes you will enjoy her latest novel, Venice in the Moonlight, as much as others have enjoyed her previous works.

Elizabeth lives in Wisconsin with her understanding husband, two beautiful daughters, and sassy Labrador. When she isn't writing, working, or being a mom, she's sleeping.


5.0 out of 5 stars Beautifully set in Venice. October 7, 2013
Format:Kindle Edition
I found this story while looking around for something different from the same old, same old. It really surprised me. The agonizing journey of the heroine, torn between two kinds of love, is written from the gut and beautifully set in Venice. I shall definitely be looking for more from the author specially if the other books also have a European setting
Jonel "Pure Jonel" Amazon 5 stars
- This is one of those novels that draws you completely into the storyline and keeps you there throughout. I found myself walking in the main character’s shoes, living through the many trials that she found herself facing. This was a light, easy read that was simultaneously thought provoking and emotionally charged. McKenna’s descriptions paint a brilliant picture of Venice’s carnivale, leading you deeper and deeper into this remarkable world. Each and every aspect of the novel is developed fully and separately, yet drawn together to create a seamless whole that you can see and feel. It is a very well put together story with a well thought out storyline that will keep you enthralled throughout.

Angela Ford Amazon 5 stars

- The characters are real and vibrant. You come to know each of them personally through McKenna's talent of bringing them to life. The storyline is remarkable and believable. Each descriptive word McKenna uses pulls you into this story so you can see it, feel it. You will be happy you escaped with this wonderfully written story!

Kelly Smitherman Amazon 4 stars

- This book had you feeling every emotion possible and both of the main characters pulled at your heart strings! Fell in love a little with Nico myself and I adored "Kitty. I loved the strongness of her character and was glad her spunk was still alive after all she has been through. This book was a great escape and I enjoyed every page of it. Although short in length and fast paced, the author did a wonderful job unfolding the story. It didn't feel rushed....but it did leave me wanting more from the author!

Cera's Place

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