Wednesday, 18 December 2013

99 CENT BOOK FIND: Somebody Tell Aunt Tillie She's Dead by Christiana Miller

Available for JUST 99 CENTS is Somebody Tell Aunt Tillie She's Dead  by Christiana Miller (Click here for UK purchase).  Why not download this YA fantasy before it goes back to full price?

A little magic can go a long way -- to really screwing up a girl's life! 

Mara is having the worst month of her life. At least, that's what her cards tell her and they've never been wrong. She's evicted from her apartment, loses her job and is banned from Beverly Hills. So when the tarot cards predict her imminent demise, she uses a little magic to make her world right. 

Suddenly, an aunt she's never met dies, leaving Mara as her sole heir. But when Mara moves into her inherited home, she discovers Aunt Tillie never moved out. She's still one p*ssed-off old lady, even post-mortem, and she blames Mara's magical meddling for her death. 

When Mara accidentally releases a demon and awakens the spirit of the most powerful witch in history, Tillie's ready to kill her -- literally. It's the only way she can think of to save the girl from herself. 

The witch and the demon, however, have other plans for Mara's body!

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