Thursday, 19 December 2013

99 CENT BOOK FIND: Sword of the Archon by D.P. Prior

Available for JUST 99 CENTS is Sword of the Archon (SHADER)  by D.P. Prior (Click here for UK Download).  Why not grab a copy now?  

Deacon Shader has dreamt of the Sword of the Archon since a child, and now, as a veteran warrior, he is finally within reach of winning the holy blade in a tournament at the heart of the Templum's empire. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, plague breaks out in the streets of Sarum, and a horde of undead rises from the sacred burial mounds of the Dreamers.

Prompted by a voice from the Abyss, the liche Dr. Cadman has discovered a piece of the mythical Statue of Eingana and corrupted its power, but worse than that, an ancient enemy has noticed and turns his eyes once more upon the Earth.

Those with understanding know all too well the threat that hangs over Creation and have taken great pains to ward against it.

Shader has been prepared for the coming conflict since the day he was born. A man of prayer, deeply troubled by a contradictory faith, he is also the deadliest warrior of his generation. If only he can win the Archon's sword and come to terms with his own inner demons, he may be the last desperate hope of all the worlds.

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