Saturday, 28 December 2013

FREE BOOK FIND: Dark Application by Brian Krogstad and Lindsey Waterman

FREE to download TODAY is Dark Application: ONE (The Dark Application Series)  by Brian Krogstad and Lindsey Waterman  (Click here for UK Download) Why not download it before it goes back to full price?

Dark Application: ONE is the new technothriller fans are already comparing to the genre's greats.  From the creative genius of the Pendergast books from Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child to the techno savvy of Michael Crichton; readers can't get enough.  The fast pacing and tight plot control has some comparing it to the Bourne books from Robert Ludlum.

What is it about this novel that has fans already clamoring for the sequel?Perhaps it's the plausibility of the technology, the conspiracy, and above all, the unlikely hero. At the center of this new technothriller is Luke Jeffers, a regular guy about to become extraordinary.A college student in Virginia, he finds himself caught up in a technological conspiracy beyond his understanding. 

Almost overnight, he transforms from starving student to an unwitting pawn in a web of murder, lies, and conspiracy when he discovers the Department of Defense Application for Remote Kinetics, a simple application accidentally downloaded onto his smart phone and almost immediately in control of his life. 

In a style reminiscent of the best technothrillers of the last three decades, Dark Application: ONE is filled with dark conspiracy, cyperpunk overtones, and above all a mystery at its core critical to Luke's escape from the cycle of destruction.  Volume One of the new Dark Application technothriller series by  Brian Krogstad and Lindsey Waterman will leave you breathless and desperate for more, grateful that "Volume One" certainly means that more are coming ;)

Dark Application: ONE  - Available Now on
Dark Application: TWO - Available Now on
Dark Application: THREE - Coming to -- Spring 2014

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