Tuesday, 5 August 2014

99 CENT BOOK FIND: Zombie City by M.F. Soriano

Available for JUST 99 CENTS is Zombie City: Omnibus
by M.F. Soriano (Click for UK , Australia, Canada or India purchase).  Why not grab a copy now?

Hipsters.  Shane hates them.  They dress like artists, but they think like yuppies.  They live for their trendy tech jobs, spending all their time at work.  And worst of all, they drive up the cost of living in San Francisco, making it nearly impossible for people like Shane to survive.

Shane knows the hipsters well.  He spends all day cleaning up after them.  He’s a janitor at a video-game company, and his life revolves around his dead end job.  But something strange is happening with the hipsters.  They’re starting to act even weirder than normal, moaning and shuffling and trying to bite.  And this is just the beginning.

Within hours, San Francisco will be plunged into a nightmare of cannibalism and murder, and Shane will find himself at the center of the storm.  He’ll need to band together with a group of misfits—Castro Bears, Mexican Punks, Butch Chinese Lesbians, and Oakland Thugs—and travel through some of the City’s most famous neighborhoods, in order to survive.

San Francisco is dead.  Welcome to Zombie City

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