Sunday, 19 October 2014

99 CENT BOOK FIND: The Experiment by R. Michael Anderson

Available for JUST 99 CENTS is The Experiment: Discover a Revolutionary Way to Manage Stress and Achieve Work-Life Balance (The Experiments) (Volume 1)  by R. Michael Anderson (Click for UK , AustraliaCanada or India purchase).  Why not grab a copy before it goes back to full price?

** #1 Bestselling Book in Creativity and Business Leadership Training **
Stressed? Overwhelmed? Burned Out?
Learn how in The Experiment
What will YOUR experiment be?
R. Michael Anderson
The Experts Say...
Buy this book NOW

Learn transformational life skills in this exciting new modern business fable by acclaimed expert R. Michael Anderson.

Dennis is living on the edge. His business is struggling, he's separated from his wife and kids, and he's in utter turmoil because he can't see a way out...
Until he meets a coach named Robert.

Skeptical at first, Dennis takes a chance-;he calls it his Experiment. And in just three coaching sessions with Robert, Dennis accomplishes a personal transformation that gets him back on track with amazing speed.

All too often in life we feel burdened with the task of living. Disconnected from our passion, our joy. Maybe we're stuck in a dead-end job and struggling to make ends meet. Maybe we're successful in business but pay too high a price in stress. Maybe the most important relationships in our lives-with our spouses, our children, our friends-are failing. Sometimes it's hard not to shake a feeling of hopelessness.

But there is a way out.

Follow Dennis as he deals with the same kinds of challenges we all face in life. Watch as he learns to move through them with surprising ease and grace. Read the notes he takes in his coaching sessions with Robert, and then use them as exercises to effectively transform your own life using the powerful ARC method.

Awareness: Learn to recognize and acknowledge what's going on inside and outside yourself. Take charge of your own thoughts instead of living in anxiety and fear.

Response: Learn to respond constructively to any situation instead of just reacting to it. This is the secret for transforming challenges into opportunities.

Compassion: Learn to treat yourself right. Understand how being good to yourself gives you the energy to engage with and transform your life.
In utilizing this simple process you will learn how to create an ideal work-life balance, build great relationships, manage stress, change bad habits into good ones, get more done in less time-and reclaim your life.

More than just a story, The Experiment is a window into a new way of living. 

Use it to energize your business, your relationships and yourself.

Not sure about this book? Go ahead. Give it a try.

Call it your Experiment.
People who read The Experiment ask me if I'm Dennis, the business person looking to change his life, or Robert, the coach. They laugh when I tell them I'm both. This story is based on my personal transformation and on the journeys of the many others whom I've helped.

When you finish this book, you can go online and get ongoing support with making these changes in your life, delivered via short video courses. When you combine the free follow-up e-course with the exercises in the book-which you can download and use as well-you'll be on your way to living a richer, fuller life.

I'd be honored to be your guide along your path.

"An amazingly simple way to make massive changes in your life." -Brian Tracy

and take the first step on your own transformational path.

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