Saturday, 15 November 2014

BOOK OF THE DAY: Like by Bart Hopkins

by Bart Hopkins
(Click for UKAustraliaCanada  or India purchase)

LIKE is a selfie of modern times that takes you on a journey through the lives of normal people—the new normal—fully connected in an electronic age.

You’ll meet Greg, a realtor whose success stems from his Internet savvy. His tweets are re-tweeted a hundred times and thousands follow his blog.

Then there’s Paul, who stumbles on an old crush while Facebooking. Through research of her online habits, he arranges a “chance” meeting so they can fall in Like with each other.

Martin is a cancer survivor with renewed purpose in life thanks to a supportive social media family.

It’s a tapestry of people and events woven together with this era’s most abundant thread: social media.

“With one Like I can say hi to a friend, support them during a crisis, share in a joke, make someone happy, or reinforce a person’s self esteem. I make myself part of their world. It’s like I stopped by for coffee. But, by Liking, I can also avoid talking to all the people I don’t want to waste time on. Or I can check to see what my ex girlfriend is doing seven or eight times an hour. It’s a double-edged mouse click.”
- Anonymous


Bart Hopkins is originally from Galveston, Texas, but has lived in Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Korea, and Germany. He was born in the middle of the 1970s.

Bart has served in the US Air Force as a meteorologist for 20 years and has degrees in Liberal Arts and Education. He likes to travel, enjoys pretending he's a photographer, and shares as much time as possible with his beautiful wife and three awesome children. They recently added a "Westie Yorkie" named Lulu to the family.

Learn more about the author on his website:

Read his rants and ramblings on his blog:

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Bart has written three novels and a book of short stories. He hopes to one day achieve global peace through his writing--one individual at a time--one book at a time--or one post at a time.

5.0 out of 5 stars What's not to "Like"? :) November 10, 2014
By Maria
Format:Kindle Edition
Is it too corny if I say I really liked "Like"? :) Well, sorry, but it's true. I was already a huge fan of Hopkins' earlier work (Fluke [co-written with David Elliott], Texas Jack, etc.), and I was super excited to read "Like." Let me tell you, it doesn't disappoint! There are several story lines in the novel and they all have a common thread - social media. Let's face it - we all use social media in some form or fashion in our every day lives. And "Like" showcases that fact - whether it's rekindling an old flame, or posting selfies, or for advertising your business or raising money for a worthy cause. There's also the dark side of social media - internet romances, cyber stalking, etc. You never know who's out there lurking...

Go read it! I bet you'll "Like" it as much as I do! ;)
If you have a facebook account or not you have to read this book. I have read all of Bart's books and this one does not disappoint..All the characters are believable and and the story keeps you turning pages I will recommend this book to everyone. Loved it!!!! 

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