Sunday, 15 February 2015

FREE BOOK FIND: Swarm - A Zombie Thriller by Alex South

FREE to download TODAY is Swarm - A Zombie Thriller (Book #1 - Outbreak Series)  by Alex South (Click for UK AustraliaCanada  or India download).  Why not download a copy before it goes back to full price?

"The moment I picked it up, I couldn’t stop." – Grace T.C.

John has a dead-end job, doesn't see enough of his friends, and struggles to find meaning in his life. These everyday concerns vanish on the night he’s jerked awake by screams.

Frenzied figures roam the streets. A helpless onlooker, John tells himself that this isn't like the films. This is real life, with real people.

He and his neighbours band together over a small supply of food. Tensions brew, and a difficult choice arises. Risk starvation, or attempt escape? Conflicted over the cause and scope of the apocalypse, the group struggles to work together.

At first John clings to logic. The zombies do not drink or eat. Organic matter cannot sustain itself under these conditions, but things grow more complicated as the behaviour of the infected makes a drastic and inexplicable change.

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