Saturday 11 April 2015

99 CENT BOOK FIND: Life Resurrected by Jesse Birkey

Available for JUST 99 CENTS is Life Resurrected: Extraordinary Miracles Through Ordinary People by Jesse Birkey (Click for UK , Australia, Canada or India purchase).  Why not grab a copy before it goes back to full price?

“God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary miracles if they are willing to be transformed!”

BEING ORDINARY completely qualifies you for God’s mighty power. No titles, ministries or name recognition are required. But there is one catch—You must be willing to be transformed. Testimonies are a crucial element of transformation. Testimonies give us the hope we need to continue on. We need to know that God still moves in signs, wonders and miracles. But above all else, we need to understand that God specializes in taking ashes and resurrecting them into beautiful life!

“God did extraordinary miracles through Paul…” – Acts 19:11

In “Life Resurrected,” Jesse Birkey will share some extraordinary miracles preformed by ordinary people. He will also take you on his journey of transformation from a life of bondage and slavery to the enemy to a life bursting with miraculous testimonies. While recounting his and others’ encouraging and inspiring testimonies, he provides insight into the ways God wants to operate in and through all of His children.
Start the journey and you too can have your Life Resurrected!

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