Sunday 31 May 2015

FREE BOOK FIND: I Bring the Fire by C. Gockel

FREE to download TODAY is I Bring the Fire Part I : Wolves (A Loki Story)  by C. Gockel (Click for UK , Australia, Canada or India download).  Why not download a copy before it goes back to full price?

In the middle of America, on Route 44, Amy Lewis has a plan — to get to her grandma’s house in time for dinner. Galaxies away Loki is waking up in a prison cell, strangely without a hangover, and with no idea what he’s done wrong — this time anyway. But he does know Thor is hiding something, Odin is up to something wicked, and there seems to be something he’s forgotten...

In this urban fantasy tale that is equal parts “Another Fine Myth,” “American Gods,” and “Once Upon a Time,” a very nice midwestern girl and a jaded, mischievous Loki must join forces to outwit gods, elves, magic sniffing cats, and nosy neighbors. If Loki can remember exactly what he’s forgotten and Amy can convince him not to be too distracted by Earthly gadgets, her boobs, or three day benders, they just might pull it off...

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