Flurries Unlimited (FU) was fortunate enough to grab a quick chat with paranormal and historical romance author K.J. Jackson about her work, her inspirations and love of rusty tin cans. This is what we talked about:
FU: There are so many different genres to choose from, what inspired you to write historical and paranormal romance?
KJJ: There was never any question with me about what I would write--romance--as I'm a happily-ever-after girl to the bone. I come by the paranormal genre of it naturally, as my dad was a high school English teacher who loved to teach Greek mythology as part of the coursework. So I was around so many of those magical stories early on in life. So when I started publishing several years ago, writing a take on mythology in a paranormal romance held a lot of interest to me, personally. That, and to be 100 percent honest, I was juggling a full-time job and a 2 and 4 year old at the time, and I thought I'd have to do less research than I would in writing a historical. Ha, ha on me! I was somewhat right about it, but I waaay underestimated how much detail goes into world-building, and how one has to be meticulous in keeping track of powers, locales, etc.! I have never met a rabbit-hole of options that I did not go down--my own flaw. And options are unlimited when you're world-building. But the paranormal books have always been super fun for me, as I like my romance with fantasy in it--be that imaginary powers or set in a time long ago.
And that leads me to writing my historical romance--I love reading historical romance, always have (my favorite genre), and the common advice about writing what you would love to to read has worked out pretty well for me.
FU: So, what's the story of the rusty tin can picture on your website? What made you chose that?
KJJ: Yea, it's an oddball one, isn't it? One of my favorite pictures from childhood, just because of the story it tells. (And everyone gets to let their own imagination concoct some crazy tale about it.) So I like to think of it as a little gift of a story, from me to you (she says with a wink).
FU: You've written so many different books. Which is your favourite and why? Do you like paranormal or historical better?
KJJ: I am going to have to go with the common answer on this one--my favourite book is always the one I am currently working on (right now, that's a historical about Lord Newdale from books 2&3 of the Lords of Fate series). I am very much a it-is-done-and-out-the-door type of writer, and not a dweller on past works. Second question, I am, unfortunately for my paranormal readers, definitely partial to historical at the moment. Every time I release a book and then pop open the computer to start something new, I just start writing another historical, even though I have outlines for more stories in the paranormal world. That said, I am going to try to split my time over the next few months and write in both genres. But we'll see how that goes -- I lean to type A personality, and tend to want to finish things that I start as expediently as possible.
FU: They say that every character has some of the author in him/her. Which of your characters is most like you? In what way?
KJJ: Can I say all of them? I think every character either has some of me in it, or at least traits that I aspire to have. I have taken a number of the personality tests for different jobs over the years, and have learned that I am mostly a chameleon--I'll tend to do whatever is needed in the situation or in the team. I like to think that helps in creating a wide range of characters -- or at least I hope it does, and I'm not just a crazy woman!
FU: So what is on the horizon? What are your new projects? When is your next new release?
KJJ: Next up I'm going to try to split my time and write both a historical and a paranormal at the same time (we'll see how that goes).
The historical will be a regency romance featuring the story of Lord Newdale. He was engaged to marry the heroine, Lily, in my latest book, Marquess of Fortune (just released Feb. 1). But something prevents that, something he does that is atrocious (can't say much more without a spoiler). But -- ah-ha -- things are never as they seem in my crazy imagination! He actually is a hero for the ages! I'm jazzed so far with it and it'll be out in late spring/early summer.
The paranormal book I'm starting is the flip side of the Flame Moon series (if one read it, those characters are very much on the good side of the coin), and this next set of books will explore the flip side -- the darker characters. That is, if I can force myself to get on it!!! It's outlined, and it will be a super fun story for me to write.
FU: Thank you so much for chatting with us!
KJJ: Thanks so much for hosting, me. It's fun to take stock in question like these on occasion
FU: There are so many different genres to choose from, what inspired you to write historical and paranormal romance?

And that leads me to writing my historical romance--I love reading historical romance, always have (my favorite genre), and the common advice about writing what you would love to to read has worked out pretty well for me.

KJJ: Yea, it's an oddball one, isn't it? One of my favorite pictures from childhood, just because of the story it tells. (And everyone gets to let their own imagination concoct some crazy tale about it.) So I like to think of it as a little gift of a story, from me to you (she says with a wink).
FU: You've written so many different books. Which is your favourite and why? Do you like paranormal or historical better?

FU: They say that every character has some of the author in him/her. Which of your characters is most like you? In what way?
KJJ: Can I say all of them? I think every character either has some of me in it, or at least traits that I aspire to have. I have taken a number of the personality tests for different jobs over the years, and have learned that I am mostly a chameleon--I'll tend to do whatever is needed in the situation or in the team. I like to think that helps in creating a wide range of characters -- or at least I hope it does, and I'm not just a crazy woman!
FU: So what is on the horizon? What are your new projects? When is your next new release?
KJJ: Next up I'm going to try to split my time and write both a historical and a paranormal at the same time (we'll see how that goes).

The paranormal book I'm starting is the flip side of the Flame Moon series (if one read it, those characters are very much on the good side of the coin), and this next set of books will explore the flip side -- the darker characters. That is, if I can force myself to get on it!!! It's outlined, and it will be a super fun story for me to write.
FU: Thank you so much for chatting with us!
KJJ: Thanks so much for hosting, me. It's fun to take stock in question like these on occasion
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