Thursday 21 June 2012

BOOK OF THE DAY: The Absolutely Amazing Adventures of Agent Auggie Spinoza by Steven Stickler

Auggie Spinoza is a ten-year-old boy with a secret: he is a special agent who can travel through time. Now, he finds himself locked in a desperate battle against evil forces trying to change the course of history. To defeat them, Auggie must pursue a dangerous quest to find a set of mysterious clues hidden in the past.

With the help of a clever new friend and advice from a cast of famous characters with names like Jefferson, Darwin, and Plato, Auggie fights to fulfill his destiny and save his world from ruin. Along the way, he learns the importance of thinking clearly and shows the awesome power of a code-breaking, book-loving, time-traveling ten-year-old with a talent for being in the right place at the right time (and doing the right thing).


Steven Stickler is no rocket scientist. He will never be confused with a professional athlete. He is not (despite widespread rumors) the actor who played Cousin Oliver in The Brady Bunch, nor was he a guest drummer for the Beatles during a brief period in the mid-1960s.

He is something completely different: a writer. He began writing when he was five years of age and, perhaps due to an oversight by those in positions of authority, was never told to stop. He lives in the great Pacific Northwest of the United States, where he enjoys exploring the outdoors with his family and, of course, reading at least one book by Dr. Seuss every year.

A "stickler" for secrecy, he has never allowed his face to be captured on film and fears that we have already revealed too much in this simple biography. He asks that all his readers, young and old alike, read the following message:

Dear Reader,

I would love to tell you all about myself. Really, I would. Unfortunately, for security reasons, everything that I might tell you about myself is classified, top secret, and known only to a few trusted colleagues.

Curious where I was born? Sorry, that's classified information.

Wondering where I live? Apologies, that information must remain top secret.

Inquisitive about why I like to write? So sorry, but to tell you that would be careless.

Perhaps you would like to know what my job is? I wish I could tell you, but it is simply too dangerous to disclose.

Anxious to probe into my hobbies, interests, education, favorite foods, most-read books, and all the exciting places I have visited? Regretfully, the answers to all these questions must remain shrouded in mystery.

I can't even show you a picture of myself without obscuring my face.

To put it simply: I can't tell you much of anything about myself. But what I CAN do is tell you a little bit about the battle I am fighting. That is why I have written about the adventures of Auggie Spinoza. Everything you need to know is revealed in Auggie's story. Read with care.

Sincerely yours,
Special Agent Steven Stickler

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