Wednesday 6 June 2012

FREE BOOK FIND: How to Raise Your Credit Scores 25 to 100 Points in 48 Hours by Eram Saeed

Amazon Best Seller: How To Raise Your Credit Scores 25-100 Points In 48 Hours

Learn how you too can save $500-$1000 per month by increasing your credit scores quickly using these techniques!!  

FREE VIDEOS with step by step info. Visit the Autho'r page 

"After reading this book and applying her principals I began to see FAST results. My credit score increased 83 points in 4 days. I simply followed her "flow chart" of procedures and everything fell into place.... my hard work paid off---quickly! I HIGHLY recommend this book"~Tony Zermeno, Real Estate Investor, Bank Under Writer,br>"

Eram's book clarified how the scores are really calculated and highlighted some things I had done that probably hurt my scores ... like recently cancelling some credit cards. Using her tips and clear instructions, I am now better able to proactively manage my credit score to improve it. For anyone, even those with good credit, this book is a great source of accurate information on a topic that everyone should learn to master." ~ Marcus Elliot, President AEC Cost Recovery LLC.

How To Raise Your Credit Scores 25-100 Points in 48 hours, Guaranteed! 
*Do you want to reduce your interest rates and pay less in bills?

*Are you trying to get approved for a mortgage and want a good rate? I'll show you how to save thousands of dollars per month on credit accounts, car payments and mortgages.

*Eram Saeed has been in lending for over 10 years. Currently, she is a business owner and runs her own branch as a manager for a Private Commercial Lender. In her job, she sees hundreds of loan files daily for people just like you. She knows the tricks you can use to repair your credit and rapidly raise your credit score 25 to 100 points in just two days. She has used these techniques for years to get her clients qualified for loans. Stop wasting money on expensive credit repair companies, learn from an Industry Expert. 

She offers a full overview of :

How your score is calculated,
How mistakes can cost you financially,
How to repair these mistakes and save money right away.
Hundreds have used these techniques to qualify for a loan and are saving money every month on credit cards, home loan payments, car payments, insurance payments and merchandise cards. 
Where can you use the extra $500-$1000 per month? 

"This will be a great book to hand out to my clients to get them started on being able to qualify for a home mortgage sooner rather than later." ~ Christina Arias, Residential Mortgage Banker

"These are quick fixes but the results have been long term for me when I used them. I highly recommend this book for professional and personal use." ~ Mark Veracola, Professional Real Estate Agent "

7 days after I got this book, my score had jumped up 50 points total....30 points only on Experian. He (loan officer) is giving me a better interest rate and also charging me less money for it. I am so grateful for this lady to write this book! ~Saba Yousaf, Amazon reader 

Start saving money TODAY using these easy techniques. Don't miss these other great books by Eram Saeed also on Amazon:

***How To Pay Off Credit Card Debt Fast, When Buying A Home ***

***Debt Free Forever, How To Payoff Credit Card Debt Without Getting A Second Job Or Increasing Your Income***

***Making Money As A Certified Woman Owned Business, Even If You're A Man***For A limited time only: Email at to recieve an mp3 recording of an interview with Larry Dague. Topics covered include: Credit after Bankruptcy, Common credit repair myths that are costing you thousands, how to avoid bad credit if facing a foreclosure or loan modification, how to repair credit quickly with very liltle money spent.
Check out Eram's Amazon Author page for free offers or to connect with her

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