Saturday 23 June 2012

FREE BOOK FIND: The Voice of Waterfalls by Natasha A. Salnikova

FREE to download TODAY is  The Voice of Waterfalls by Natasha A. Salnikova (Click here for UK download).  Why not download it before it goes back to full price?

Inga manages to escape from a "house of terror" where she was held as a captive along with other girls who were kidnapped. She is chased into the woods and runs onto the road, almost falling under the wheels of an approaching car. She thought, it would be better to die that way than to return to her captors. The driver of the car, to her surprise, saves her. He brings her to his house and introduces her to his family: his mother, his father and his younger sister. He gives Inga a key to a separate room and brings her food. She appreciates his help and calls him her knight from the road. All she needs now is a phone to make a call to her mother. Her savior, Alman, says they don't have one in the house. He's also not in a hurry to take her from his house in the woods to the town where she can talk to police. And Inga began to doubt the noble intentions of her savior. After some time she starts to think this house is worse than the one she was imprisoned in before, if that was possible.

Supernatural thriller 105 000 words.

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