Sunday 10 June 2012

FREE BOOK FIND: Wicked Hungry by Teddy Jacobs

FREE to download TODAY is Wicked Hungry  by Teddy Jacobs (Click here for UK Download).  Why not download this before it goes back to full price?

Stanley Hoff has it hard. His overprotective mom thinks she's a witch who can see people's auras; Stanley himself is getting hairier by the minute, his teeth ache, and the moon above him makes him want to howl and growl.

But things are not going to get any easier.

After a confrontation with a high school bully brings unwanted fame, Stanley's childhood crush Meredith invites him to her Halloween party. Which would be more than fine, except his friend Karen has broken up with her boyfriend and wants to be more than friends. But when Karen turns allergic to sunlight, Stanley has to ask himself, is Karen interested in Stanley as a boyfriend, or as... food?

And Stanley himself? He's WICKED HUNGRY. And not for anything he can eat in his vegetarian home.

As a growing supernatural threat menaces his suburban New England community, as more and more of his friends turn into shifters, as the stakes get higher and higher, Stanley must decide who to love, and, even, as much as it's going to hurt... who will survive.

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