Wednesday 29 August 2012


FREE to download TODAY is SYMBOLS, MEANING, AND THE SACRED QUEST: Spiritual Awakening in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Stories  by Andrew Cort  (Click here for UK Download) .  Why not download it before it goes back to full price?

Are you on a personal spiritual quest? Then this book is for you.

Would you like to discover the ‘How To’ lessons for Spiritual Awakening that lie hidden in the wonderful myths and legends of the Western Tradition? Then this book is for you.

Are you fed up with bigotry and violence? In a world where religious differences often trigger hatred and war, here is a book that celebrates the Beauty, Decency, Wisdom and Unity of all our traditions. If you're seeking a world of peace, love and friendship, then this book is for you.

And if you're looking for hours of pleasure and entertainment as you discover and rediscover the splendid spiritual stories from around the world, this book is for you!

The real purpose of these stories is not to supply a questionable historical narrative, or to teach smarmy moral rules that no one can follow, or to command its followers to believe a lot of fantastic claims that defy all scientific logic!

Their real purpose is to present a great Wisdom Teaching – through Allegory, Symbol and Metaphor – that teaches our soul the inner psychological and spiritual steps that must be taken to achieve spiritual awakening. For example, the entire story of the "Return to the Promised Land" is a symbolic explanation of the soul's return from inner material slavery (which the Hebrew Bible calls "Egypt") to spiritual freedom and enlightenment (symbolized as "Canaan"). The story might be called the Quest for the Holy Grail, Muhammad's Journey to the 7 Heavens, or a host of other names. The esoteric meaning is universal.

But the stories are written in a perplexing symbolic code that requires a Key. Otherwise, they appear to be little more than unverified historical claims, punctuated with improbable miracles, and teeming with violence, cruelty and hopeless demands for an inconsistent and unrealistic morality. Fortunately, a key still exists in our time. A key to understanding the symbolism of ancient Myth and Scripture can still be found in many of the writings of Plato and several other early philosophers.

You will find the ‘Key’ in "Symbols, Meaning, and the Sacred Quest". As a result, you will read the spell-binding ancient stories with new eyes, new ears, and a new heart!

"Cort's fascinating book takes us to the inner sanctum of spiritual meaning, and proves the senseless absurdity of religious hatred and bigotry. I was especially moved by his exploration of the Sacred Feminine." - Rev. Janet McKinstry

“It takes us on a spiritual journey into the heart of religion, philosophy, 
history, mythology and music in order to restore meaning to our lives. 
It is simply scary how much Andrew Cort knows. He seems equally at home in Greek mythology, philosophy, Judaism, Islam, Christianity -- and this wide and deep knowledge allows him to make connections and perceive commonalities." - Alan Elsner 

"Andrew Cort takes the reader on an expansive, illuminating journey beginning with the illusion of the many and then slowly and eloquently strips away millennia of misconceptions and biases by unlocking the ancient, symbolic code to reveal the one, unified understanding of the soul that we have been deprived of for so long." - Brian Erland

"[B]ridges the chasm between science and religion, the masculine and the feminine, logic and emotion, reason and intuition. This book challenged my intellect, intrigued my imagination, and deeply satisfied my soul." - Diana DeSpain

“This learned and inspirational book rescues philosophy from the mathematicians, sex from the hedonists, religion from empty sanctimony, and science from barren materialism. A must read for all of us who seek a guidebook for meaningful life in the new millennium.” - George Gilder

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