Friday 14 September 2012

BOOK OF THE DAY: Beasts of the Walking City by Del Law

Amazon Top 5 Free Bestseller in both Fantasy and Science Fiction!

"A writer with talent, vision, and a wise man's knowledge of the human heart." --Ed Falco, author of The Family Corleone

A roller-coaster ride through another world that will appeal to fans of Naomi Novak, Patrick Rothfuss, and George R.R. Martin!

Blackwell is a bourbon-loving Beast on a one-way trip to steal an ancient artifact from one of his world’s biggest gangster families—a family you just don’t want to cross. 

But the ship is just the beginning, and Blackwell isn’t prepared for everything that comes next. 

First, he's hunted by a cult who wants to wipe his race out for good. 

Then, he’s a pawn stuck between powerful gangster families at each other’s throats. 

Who can he trust--the guy he works for? That'd be Al Capone--not the nicest of employers. The beautiful and seductive double-agent named Mircada who will steal his heart? A huge fire-belching family kingpin named Nadrune who wants him for her pet? The mysterious woman Kjat, who loves him—and who’s filling up with crazy demons from another world? The crazed general who’s after him for revenge? (Not him; that's pretty clear.) 

Then there's the mystery of a legendary flower that once belonged to his race, a flower that might change the world—if only he can find it.

Welcome to Beasts of the Walking City, a fast-paced, funny, sexy adventure with steampunk cities that float and walk and fly, exploding gangsters at each other’s throats, pyrotechnic magical battles, time travel, crazy new alien races and the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance.


Del Law is an award-winning writer who's work has appeared in a number of publications, including Glimmer Train Stories, the Sycamore Review, Passages North, repeatedly in the Mississippi Review, and has received an Honorable Mention from the O. Henry Awards anthology. He lives in California’s rural Santa Cruz Mountains. 

Visit Del's blog at

5.0 out of 5 stars Left me wanting more! August 10, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition
"Beasts of the Walking City" is a delightfully complex novel in the science fiction/fantasy realm. If you're a fan of magic, technology, time travel, and alien species, this book has them in abundance! "Beasts" takes some traditional themes in the genre and gives them a fresh, original twist. Del Law ended his book with a tantalizing glimpse into a possible sequel. I can't wait to read more!

5.0 out of 5 stars A lot better than I expected! August 8, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
"Beasts of the Walking City" is the story of Blackwell, a creature who works for Al Capone. Blackwell's on an assignment to bring something back from a fallen flying city for Al (who's locked up on Earth in Alcatraz) when everything goes wrong, and he's caught up in events that are much bigger than him. More of Blackwell's history and world is revealed over the course of the book, until you find out just how integral he is to events happening, and the ending of the book feels like it's right out of a pretty good movie.

The writer really knows what he's doing. He takes some traditional fantasy plots and breathes new life into them. The characters are great, the way magic is used in the book is pretty cool and I haven't seen it done before. The suspense throughout the book keeps things moving at a fast pace, and at no point was I bogged down. The scenes and images are well thought out. I needed to keep reading to find out what happened. The time travel was cool, though not a major plot point, and the way he blended Blackwell's world with Earth was original and felt realer than many books I've read.

I'm a picky reader, and I usually stick to major writers and don't often pick up smaller-press or self-published works of fantasy or scifi, but this one was very professionally done and well worth the price. I'd love to see more from this author. I'd recommend this book to readers of both science fiction (since the world is pretty modern) and epic fantasy, who like a fast-moving, fun, character-driven story with suspense.

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