Tuesday 25 September 2012

FREE BOOK FIND: The Dance of the Spiral Virgins by Patrick Sean Lee

FREE to download TODAY is The Dance of the Spiral Virgins     by Patrick Sean Lee  (Click here for UK Download).  Why not download it before it goes back to full price?

Time is an infinite circle. Beautiful, dotted with every moment, every remembrance, every joy and every pain. On that circle, in its gorgeous folds and colorful portraits, among its mysteries and its horrors, we stop for an instant to survey the breath of a city. In that city our eye is caught by a man. An indigent. An alcoholic by the looks of him, sitting in a dumpster eating God-knows-what. He will soon be dead, but before that moment of passing a bit farther down this ribbon we call time, he will rise higher than the stars. 

I am Anselm, and I have been given the command, Raise him out of the ashes of his life. But how, you may ask, am I to accomplish such a task? Look at him. Filthy, muttering, in his customary drunken condition. And yet I see a spark in him—a spark that I will make into a flame. I also see a young woman nearby who knows nothing of his pitiful life, but soon enough she will. In a moment, inches away on this ribbon, he will meet her. We shall see just how strong love really is. Thus will begin the redemption of Marvin Fuster. 

And so we begin his miraculous story. It is evening…

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