Friday 12 October 2012

FREE BOOK FIND: Asakaze Peasant by Martin H. Kerrigan

FREE to download TODAY is Asakaze Peasant  by Martin H. Kerrigan  (Click here for UK Download).  Why not download it before it goes back to full price?

In Feudal Japan, life is harsh and difficult for the peasants.

They are at the mercy of the village Samurai, Kira Sama, who controls the village for the Daimyo. The smallest infraction of respect, arcane rules or honour can result in severe punishment without appeal.

Asakaze is a young boy, barely ten years old, when, playing as young boys do, he causes a terrible tragedy that affects his entire family - and changes the direction of his life.

Scarcely able to comprehend how his life could have altered so completely since the morning, Asakaze is given harsh lessons in the rules and ritual of Japanese society. 

It is a society full of traps and danger. Romance and betrayal. There are alliances to be made and enemies to be defeated. Asakaze grows into this realm and becomes very adept at the games that are played.

It is a world where honour is everything. Held above all else. A man without honour is nothing.

With such honour, comes revenge.

Weaving together the threads of the story, it rushes towards a breath-taking climax.

Which path shall Asakaze take?

To visit a world where a sideways glance can lead to death, where absolute power is wielded without compassion, purchase Asakaze Peasant on Kindle now.

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