Sunday 11 November 2012

BARGAIN BOOK: Evil's Subterfuge by Melissa A. Smith

We are happy to announce as a BARGAIN BOOK: Evil's Subterfuge (Pandora's Elite #3)  by Melissa A. Smith (Click here for UK purchase).  Why not grab a copy of this today?

With the artfully designed downfall of Pandora's Elite Chasers in the works, not only do they have the Evil's of the world to track down, they now have a saboteur lurking in the shadows. 

Samel is visiting his brother as he gets married. Finally! And to think, this time next year will be his turn for his own search.

His visit is supposed to be simple. No big deal. Help his brother pack a few things, watch him get married, and bring him and his bride home to his family. Instead, he's blindsided when the fates apparently decided to get involved.

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