Sunday 13 January 2013

BOOK OF THE DAY: Preventing Constipation by Frank G. Fowlkes

by Frank G. Fowlkes

Abdominal Massages and Increasing Abdominal Pressure Exercises may prevent constipation by stimulating the intestines to increase peristalsis, which is the movement of food, liquids, and waste through the intestines.

We normally don't have to stimulate our intestines to have a bowel movement, but when we do we usually do it by taking a laxative or giving ourselves an enema. Sometimes, we do neither, and just wait until we eventually need to go. If we’re lucky we usually don’t have too much trouble with our bowel movements, but if we’re unlucky, we can have one heck of a time. Over time, these practices can be more harmful than good. I believe I have discovered a better way. Constipation is bad for you, and getting into the habit of believing constipation is something you have to live with can be harmful to your present and future health.

All of the guides written so far on preventing constipation instruct you to treat it by eating more fiber, drinking more water, exercising more, eating healthier, and/or occasionally taking a laxative or enema. These recommendations in themselves are enough to prevent occasional constipation for the majority of people, but because of the normal process of aging and our sedentary life styles, we can become constipated more than we would like regardless of how much fiber we eat or water we drink.

This guide is over 7,000 words long. And there are 9 illustrations. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes to read. 

Abdominal Massages and Increasing Abdominal Pressure Exercises are easy activities you can do any time of the day to prevent constipation.

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