Thursday 14 February 2013

BOOK OF THE DAY: Seriously Mum, What's an Alpaca? by Alan Parks

by Alan Parks

'Seriously Mum, What’s an Alpaca?’ is the frank and charming story of a brave couple who risk everything to move to Spain to breed alpacas. Their intention is to make a living, but first they must negotiate their way through the Spanish property market, local characters, rogue builders and the worst weather Andalucía has seen for 100 years.

Alan and Lorna experience the joy, but also the heartbreak of alpaca breeding, picking up an assortment of stray animals on the way.
‘Seriously Mum, What’s an Alpaca?' may be full of glorious highs and monumental lows, but it is essentially a story of endeavour and spirit, living each day as though it may be the last.


Alan Parks moved to Andaluica five years ago, from a normal life in the bustle of Brighton, on the south coast of the UK. Breeding alpacas was a way to start a new life, in  new country, but little did we know what lay in store for us. 

 Over the time we have lived here, we have become accustomed to strange and alarming things happening to us, and we try to take it in our stride. 'Seriously' is my first attempt at writing a book, and I have been pleased with the reaction I have had, and I have started to put pen to paper on a sequel. 

You can see a trailer for the book here - and you can find more information about me here - 

 5 star - Great book! What an adventure this couple has had! Alan tells it all, the good and the bad. Once I started this book I could not put it down. Humorous and at times sad, I loved everyone in this book - human and animals alike. I would recommend this book to any animal lover! When is the next one?

5 star - As an expat, and having similar experiences with the highs and lows of keeping livestock, I could really relate to this book. The story tells of the usual ups and downs of moving abroad, some of which is funny, but the main point of interest for me was the alpaca experience. A very honest account of entering into a new business with very little knowledge and learning along the way. At times very sad but also very informative and positive. Alan and Lorna come across as very kind, caring people who will persevere and make a success of their alpaca farm and new life. I hope there will be a follow up in the future.

5 star - I loved every minute of this book and was sorry when I came to the end of it.It was good hearing the animals side of things too.Since meeting Alpacas in real life, and long before reading this book, I thought how good it would be to have some Alpacas but I'm not sure now if I could cope with some of the situations that Alan and Lorna have to cope with.I definitely recommend you read this book if you love animals.Can't wait for the next book.

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