Wednesday 27 March 2013

FREE BOOK FIND: Rich Genes, Poor Genes by Stephen Jorgensen

FREE to download TODAY is Rich Genes, Poor Genes - How Your Genetics May Be Keeping You Poor. by Stephen Jorgensen (Click here for UK Download) .  Why not download it before it goes back to full price?

Are you as successful as you want to be, or do you still struggle to obtain success? If you are not as successful financially as you had hoped, maybe
it is because you have the bad luck of inheriting a set of "poverty" genes, which keep you down.

Scientists have recently uncovered a number of genes, which effect a person's ability to be successful including the ability to be financially successful. If you have some of these genes, they could be part of the reason for your lack of success in the financial world. Have you ever wondered why some people just seem to have it easier? Why some people just seem to "fall" into success, even though they aren't any smarter or they didn't start out with any more wealth, education, or training than you? It could be they just have better "wealth" genes than you, automatically doing the "right" wealth building actions that places them in the right place at the right time.

This book helps you discover not only what "poverty" genes are, but also helps you find out if you are cursed with some of those "poverty" genes and what you can do to overcome that handicap. The book explains how genes can effect a person's actions and how feelings and attitudes are generated by neural chemicals, controlled by your genes. From this you can learn what wrong actions you may be engaged in that are pushing you towards failure in the financial world. The later chapters outline how to overcome specific negative genes, as well as how traditional success methods have worked to mitigate bad genetic components success oriented people often struggle with.

The middle chapters describe the traits of successful people and show how genes can and do control these traits. It also includes 7 ways you can become a millionaire. The lists provided enables you, the reader, to compare your personal traits with those of successful people, and help you see where you may have been falling short. Then trait by trait, the authors show you how to strengthen weak traits so you may build success even if you weren't blessed with more positive versions of success genes.

You don't have to know exactly what genes are doing chemically to change your life and become more financially successful. You don't have to be a
scientist to put the success methods of this book into effect. There are a few simple steps you can do to overcome your "poverty" genes. It is fairly simple once you realize there is some "hidden" genetic component pushing you toward poverty, that your financial struggles are caused by your own
unconscious actions initiated by feelings chemically produced by your "poverty" genes.

Even though you may have certain poor genes, you can still be a success. You just have to recognize that your success vehicle has a low tire on one side, which pulls you from your chosen success track. Then, you can deliberately "over-steer" to compensate. With this book, you can overcome
poverty genes and become the success you want to be!

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