Thursday 25 July 2013

BOOK OF THE DAY: 7 Reasons Women Don't Have The Relationship They Want So Badly by Dylan Thrasher

by Dylan Thrasher

This is a book of brutal truth for women, by a man. The main purpose - to help you understand why you may not be in the dream relationship you really want, and instead find yourself stuck with the guys who aren't even close to what you feel you deserve.

I'm Dylan Thrasher, the toughest yet most effective Dating, Love and Relationship Coach out there. I've helped thousands of women (and men) find and create lasting love.  I've been featured in the Boston Globe, Miami Herald, San Francisco Chronicle,, Shape and many other notable publications. I don't hold back, and I don't give you fluff - I give you my patented dose of CHT (cold, hard truth) that you may or may not be ready to hear. Either way, it will help you.

I have created a short book that will show you, with examples and reasoning mixed in with my own incorrigible sense of humor...

- How your friends have not been helping your cause, and why
- Why the men you have chosen in the past have done what they have
- What the media and other 'experts' have in common, and why it's held you back
- The things you have valued may not be what you should be putting emphasis on
- What it means to be 'too much,' and what it means to be 'too little' in terms of interacting with someone
- The beauty of choice, variety and open mind
- How the past affects your future, and what to do about it

Time and time again, one thing that has remained the constant in my own relationships over the years has been one particular thing I have noticed from the friends of every woman I have been involved with. What is this constant, you may ask? It is their respective unhappiness with their own romantic situations. Now, I would love to say it's because I'm so amazing that of course all my girlfriends of the past just glowed in joy, leading to an easy to tell difference between the relationship satisfaction between them and their friends, but it goes beyond that.

After a while, I realized I would be having the same conversation with so many of them over and over. And it was simply because they were following the same patterns, listening to the same misinformation, making the same mistakes. They would often repeat, 'Oh my god, you should write a book,' 'Wait, is this how men really think and act?' 'See, if someone told me this before, I could have saved myself from so much frustration.'

After going through the same situation enough times, I realized I wanted to help on a larger scale. You have been there, and maybe you're there right now. You have definitely had the friends that speak about it. You know what I'm talking about. The guy is using her for sex casually. Maybe he's too busy in his career or maybe he's in a complicated prior romantic entanglement, to put it nicely. You can call it 'friends with benefits,' you can call it a 'booty call,' you can call it female sexual empowerment - no matter what you call it, the constant is what it is - she is not fulfilled in the relationship.

Maybe she has been with him loyally for years, waiting for the ring that still hasn't shown up yet. He says he just needs a little more time. Maybe she's married, and lonely. Her husband works a lot, and when he's home, well, the romance is just gone. Maybe she's had it with relationships, and she dove headfirst into every other time-suck you can think off, pun intended.
Maybe 'she' is you. You want help, or at least some perspective. Congratulations on picking up the book. Let's go make some changes in your life. For the price of loose change lying around, you can take a big step in improving your life, and finding true, lasting love.


Dylan Thrasher is an acclaimed Dating, Life, Love and Relationship coach/expert whose extensive work in human behavior has helped thousands of men and women better their lives, attract the right partners, repair and improve the relationships they keep and learn when it is time to walk away.

Taking pride in being known as the toughest, yet most effective coach out there, Dylan has been featured in publications such as the Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Miami Herald and's Happen Magazine, among others.

Raising himself from a young age, he quickly learned to "read" people from all walks of life, seeing through to their core. His focus has always been on why people do the things they do, what the real hidden meaning is behind the words that are sometimes carelessly thrown around, and discovering the reality of situations.

Not a PhD hiding behind theories in out-of-touch books, nor a New-Age practitioner of useless voodoo such as magnets or energy crystals or herbs, Dylan focuses all his solutions on internal strength, willpower and actions to achieve exactly the life you deserve to live. If you're ready to push out all the noise and nonsense, and aren't looking to pay to be coddled and confused, you're in the right place as he delivers hard-hitting brutal truth not intended to make you feel better in the short term, but help you in the long term.

Dylan is not as (artificially) nice or as fake as the other coaches/experts you may have been exposed to in the past. If they were effective, you would not be here.

When asked about himself, Dylan responds with:
Who am I? I'm the guy who's going to help you get what you want. I'm not going to hand it to you on a silver platter. I'm going to show you the path to attain that happiness, and I will push you to succeed. I will remove your limiting beliefs. Dating coach, love coach, life and relationship coach - it doesn't matter what others or I call it - what matters is that it works for people and helps improve their lives.

I will show you the relationship skills you are lacking that have caused you to remain in your pattern of breakups. I will show you what you need to look for in order to have lasting love. I will show you how to attract it into your life. I will filter through your excuses and stories and see the real you. I may make you cry, I may make your shout. You won't be the first or last. However, it will  work, where the work of others has failed. I will not pretend to be your friend. I won't look to have you leave every session with a smile on your face. I will be effective. I don't want you buying 9 books from me or being my client for 3 years. That's the business model of many crooks out there selling you nonsense. I want to help you, quickly, and send you off on your way to enjoy the rest of your life.

That is my promise to you. That is who I have always been and who I am. Put your trust in me. I don't give up easily. Neither should you.

Dylan is available for Private Coaching via his website

Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
And the advice I will give my granddaughter. I can only hope she will listen, as her mother once did. Dylan Thrasher hits the ground hard with the first chapter, and keeps dishing out the painful truth clear to the end. Truths like "Men see women in three categories.   They want nothing from you, they want sex from you, or they want a life with you" that women hate to hear, and will never hear from their girlfriends or the media, or from other men interested in getting into their pants for a few hours. Truths that will save you a mountain of heartaches and possibly a lot of money in therapy later on down the line.
Life isn't a hit movie or TV series, and using them as the guide to your relationship seeking behavior will get you nowhere. I particularly enjoyed the chapter on learning not to value the wrong things, having seen female friends of mine pass over a man who would have gladly cared for them until they were old and peeing themselves because of stupid things like he couldn't sing or he was balding. Great book with a lot of advice that some women will find hard to take, but need to hear anyway.

5.0 out of 5 stars Very Helpful June 11, 2013
By ncm
Format:Kindle Edition
This fantastic book is full of brutal truth that many women need to hear about why their relationships don't last very long or are not what they expected or wanted. This book helps to open your eyes to how you are acting and how things, such as your past and the media, have unknowingly affected you. It also helps you improve for the future and make the essential changes needed in your life.

I think one of my favourite things about this book is that a man writes it. Advice coming `straight form the horses mouth' so to speak is very effective and he is obviously experienced and knows what he is talking about. His writing style is clear, understandable and humorous at times, which makes the book an easy read. I don't usually go for advice books like this as I often find them boring; however, I'm glad I took a risk on this one as it is very helpful and it doesn't feel like a chore to read at all - I actually looked forward to reading it before bed in the evenings.

When I read a page and could identify myself with the issues he talks about, I simply wanted to curl up in a ball and pretend I didn't do any of those things, but the truth is that identifying the problems is the only way to improve. I feel like this book has already helped me a lot, and I will definitely keep referring back to it.

Overall, I think this book is very helpful and I would definitely recommend it to others; I have already told my friend that she should get herself a copy. I wouldn't hesitate to give it a 5 star rating! 


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