Tuesday 13 August 2013

BOOK OF THE DAY: The Artistry of LIFE by Alison Breskin and Allan R. Emery

by Alison Breskin and Allan R. Emery

The Artistry of LIFE: Knocking on the WHITE DOOR is a modern day Through the Looking Glass and more. Not only does it rearrange the world we know, it bravely takes us to places of truth that have been ignored for centuries. A typical American girl meets an eccentric mystic philosopher on the internet and suddenly finds her life turned completely around. What was a bothersome, stressful, sickly life, transforms into a miraculous, fulfilling, healthy life right before your eyes. Be a fly-on-the-wall as she learns how to stop her brain from tricking her into wrong thinking. See the knowledge of the ancients compared to the knowledge of today. You will be amazed, entertained and hopefully, healed.

This book is guaranteed to lead you in the divine direction towards healing your soul of depression, if you follow the easy 'how to' steps, based on a true life story that is both funny and sorrowful. A lost and lonely girl meets a wise mystic philosopher on a poetry site. Instantly her life is changed. Get lost in meaningful and entertaining stories, entailing conversations between a girl searching for 'The Truth' and a lovable curmudgeon.

A young nurse suffering from depression and subsequent physical symptoms due to external stress, learns to become happy and free of the many chains which kept her soul from soaring. In just a few months of talking with her philosopher friend, she she begins to heal her body and mind. Come along on this amazing journey of soulful recovery and learn how to do the same for your soul in the process! Her personal journey of learning 'The Spirits' truths literally balanced her karma and saved her from a life of potential antidepressant medications and alcohol abuse.

Think of all the money you one could save on antidepressants, alcohol and cigarettes alone, if you could learn balance and forgo the vices! The price of this book is small potatoes in comparison. It is guaranteed that anyone who can follow the 'Spirits Creed' laid out in detail in this book can rid themselves of pain and suffering!

Learn how to truly Love through the 'Spirit's Creed' through one woman's life changing story! If you are sad, mad, or just plain angry at the world, learn by reading this book how to begin to smile again and appreciate all the beauty that this bountiful life has to offer!

Ever feel like no matter what you do it won't be enough? That you are failing at life miserably? Then you are not alone. Most people feel like they are not living the life they should be living and they are right!

It is not that you have the wrong job, the wrong car, the wrong friends, or you live in the wrong neighborhood, it is simply that you do not see yourself for who you really are. How can you live your life correctly if you do not even know who you are? Take a trip of discovery to the stars with "The Artistry of LIFE: Knocking on the White Door".

Knocking on the White Door is a study in one woman’s transformation from anxiety-ridden people-pleaser to self-actualized spiritual being and healer. Here she has attempted to outline the steps taken so that anyone may follow in her footsteps.

A brilliant, easy to read instruction book for the spiritually minded. From a borderline hypochondriac, overwhelmed with stress, to a spiritual being, full of forgiveness, this is the story of one woman's journey from being a product of her environment to becoming self-actualized. Here she has written a "how to" book that anyone can follow.

Alison Breskin's Biography:

Born and raised in New Jersey, she is a nurse of four years.  She has been writing poetry since the age of twelve and has compiled eight books in the past year. Two of her books, Birdsongs of Poetry and Birdsongs of Poetry 2 are mostly composed of her earlier works. They are a collection of poetry that entails personal reactions to her father’s drug-addiction and ultimate demise, teenage love and/or infatuation, confusion about life and misguided angst in general. Since she has had a dysfunctional childhood, she's used writing as a sort of inexpensive therapy, with pretty good results.
Her next two books of poetry, Waking Spirit Dreams and Waking Spirit Dreams 2, are mostly composed from  more recent works, many of which have been written over the past 3 years.  It is only within the past 8 months she has  truly come to realize who she is and why she was was so hurt and angry most of her life. She held onto a lot of anger and misunderstanding from the past that needed to be let go of. Then she was miraculously healed by conversations with a friend. Now, she no longer carries issues from the past or worries about the future. She lives in the moment. Since she was 'saved' from a life of suffering and depression, She wanted to share her experiences in this regard with the world. She has written a self-help book about her healing experience called Knocking on the White Door. She is currently working on her next self-help book in the series and planning to write 4 self-help books altogether based on personal experiences.

Her favorite form of poetry is the haiku.  Out of these writings she has assembled a book of haiku called Heartwarming haiku. This book holds many haiku and senryu poems she has written along with an educational tutorial in writing haiku and senryu. This includes fun exercises on practicing the art of this little poem.

She has published an inspirational journal for your own writings called 'Notes From Another Self'. it is a 6x9 sized writing journal with blank pages bordered with an elegant frame and short inspirational quotes from her poems and personal journals.

Lastly she has written a chapbook of song lyrics called Heartpieces Songbook. These songs were written during a time of heartbreak and misery and used as therapy. She has shared these lyrics of the heart hoping they will perform the same fuction for others.

Allan R. Emery Biography:

Allan R Emery is a philosopher, writer, poet, composer, Reike practitioner and Shaman wannabe. He is the author of several books, Insights and Bothersome Things (a book of short stories), Birdie Poop Poetry Book, a fun, flirty and humorous book of poetry, and Beerquest, a novel about a nerdy boy who discovers a bracelet with power on another planet!  All of these books, as well as a CD by his band, The Bedspins, A night With the Bedspins are available for purchase on Amazon.com, with more on the way. 

Allan is one of those people who truly loves learning and yet no matter what he learns, manages to keep his mind completely open. He is your prototypical self-sufficient Mainer who belongs in the rugged country, far away from the rat race of city life. Allan R Emery has healed a number of souls, but when I asked him if he would like me to mention how many souls he has healed he simply said to say he is a humble satirist and all around irreverent spiritual guy. So there ya go. I think that pretty much sums him up.


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