Saturday 28 September 2013

BOOK OF THE DAY: Most Valuable Player by Scot McKay

by Scot McKay

Be The Man In Demand
...And FINALLY Get The Women You Really Want

If you look around you, what do you see? Almost every man on Earth is struggling to attract the kind of woman who'll actually turn him on AND treat him right. In fact, all too many guys have a hard time getting ANY women to actually go out with them at all.

Well, if you've ever had the sneaking suspicion that a very small percentage of guys are getting ALL the women, then guess what? I can confirm what you suspect:'s absolutely true.

On the surface the few who succeed with amazing women seem very lucky...but I can assure you that "luck" has little to do with it.

You see, most guys think that if they ever want to join that elite group of men who lead a charmed life full of women, they've got to become some sort of "pickup artist" or "player".

And tragically, they automatically assume that's going to take LOTS of work and more "rejection" from women than they can take.

But there's a MUCH faster and easier way to enjoy the success with women you've only dreamed of until now.

Here's the truth of the matter. You can't simply become a "player" according to conventional "ladies' man" wisdom. (And who's got time for that?) Rather, you've got to experience the magical transformation into a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT kind of "player" altogether: The Most Valuable Player.

Just like in the sporting world, The MVP with the ladies is the one who comes through when they chips are down and inspires awe in all who witness what he's capable of. And most of all, he's the one who the highest quality women on Earth simply can't live without.

You're about to find out just how easy it is to be that guy...once you have the secrets that the vast majority of men miss out on their entire lives.


Scot McKay burst onto the men's dating advice scene in 2005 and was selected as a guest for both Doc Love's radio show and David DeAngelo's Interviews With Dating Gurus series within a year.

He quickly set himself apart among elite world-class dating experts with a unique approach he calls "character-based", and eight years later is widely considered to be one of the most recognized and effective dating coaches on the planet.

His books Flirting Like Wildfire, Women Made Easy and Most Valuable Player have all become #1 bestsellers here on His latest book, Stop Chasing, Start Choosing was published on August 25th, 2013.

Through a combination of "deserving what you want" and decoding the opposite sex's thought process, Scot talks about how a masculine, confident man of true character and leadership skill is an authentic representation of the man the most desirable women want, obviating the need for tricks and mind games.

His next-generation concepts transcend mere pickup and seduction and describe a state of having 100% control over one's dating life, culminating in the ability to attract the highest quality women on Earth, effectively manage relationships and make wise decisions from a position of strength.

Scot is well known for his groundbreaking course for men The Master Plan, his monumental Virtuosity program, his relationship management system called The Leading Man, his blueprint for meeting women called The Man's Approach and for his multiple top-ranked podcasts on iTunes including The Chick Whisperer and X & Y On The Fly.

He also promotes a unique formula for online dating success called Online Dating Domination, in which he objectively demonstrates how a guy can literally dominate his entire metro area on the dating site of his choice, eliminating the "numbers game" mindset and meeting exactly the women he wants to meet the most.

His latest program for men is called Female Persuasion, revealing how to get any woman to want to do anything for you.

Scot represents a real-world example of how a man can effectively manage a successful dating life all the way to the end goal of building a long-term future with the greatest woman he has ever met. His ultimate "proof of concept" is his wife Emily, who is his podcast co-host and a world-class dating expert in her own right.

Scot has been ranked #1 worldwide on's list of influential Facebook users. Additionally, with over 110,000 followers, Scot has been consistently ranked within the top 100 on that site's list of globally influential Twitter users.

Over 300 media outlets worldwide have consulted him, including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, BBC, Men's Health, MTV and The Wall Street Journal. Scot has also been called upon to speak at high-profile events such as iDate and the 140 Characters Conference.

Scot's latest dating strategies for men can be found at Sign up for his free newsletter and receive cool free stuff in your inbox including special reports designed to improve your success with high-quality women.

Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
I first heard of scot mckay a few years ago and I love his newsletter's but I must say that this new book is great because he teaches a man how to be genuine and still effective with women and quality women at that because not all us guys are looking for one night stands with strangers some of us want choice in meaningful relationships however one chooses to define that so point blank scot mckay is a solid dude and his material is something you can feel good about applying without feeling manipulative like the pua communtity...

Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
This book is very a very basic intro to the foundation of most of Mr. McKay's material, basically everything he puts out in his news letters grouped in one easy resource. It's a great look into what the "nice" guy needs to know about the way women work and what it takes for those of us who want more out of a relationship. The endless sports references were a little tiring however. 


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