Thursday 1 May 2014

FREE BOOK FIND: School Mornings Make Mummy A Bit Bonkers by Alexis Jackson

FREE to download TODAY is School Mornings Make Mummy A Bit Bonkers  by Alexis Jackson (Click here for UK Download).  Why not download a copy before it goes back to full price?

Mornings are a lot of fun for six year old Millie. She chases her four year old brother Matthew round the lounge as a vampire zombie. She plays her recorder as loud as possible (to soothe Mummy) whilst Matthew nearly gets dressed but instead rolls around the floor with his socks on his hands. Mummy doesn't seem to think mornings are fun at all, in fact school mornings make her quite bonkers.

Great fun for kids and parents alike who will identify with this very familiar story (as it plays out in households across the country every school day!).

Ages 3 - 6 (19 illustrated story pages.)

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