Monday 29 December 2014

99 CENT BOOK FIND: Lovers, Players & The Seducer by J.A. Jackson

Available for JUST 99 CENTS is Lovers, Players & The Seducer: The Storm is Coming (A Geek An Angel Series) by J.A. Jackson (Click for UK , Australia, Canada or India purchase).  Why not grab a copy today?

Nicholas La Cour loves money. He’s spent his and he needs more.

Does his sister’s love life hold the answers to all of his problems?

When his world suffers a dramatic change will Nicholas use his family as the pawns in his deceptive game?

In the game of betrayer and betrayed Nicholas La Cour think his sister Lacey is the prefect target to keep his financial ruin a secret.

Determined to find the answer to his money problems Nicholas let loose a series of plans that unleash tragic forces. Will Lacey discover her brother’s deception before it’s too late

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