Saturday 20 June 2015

BARGAIN BOOK: Madcap Mulligan Jokes for Kids by D.K. Nanook

We are happy to announce as an INDIE NEW RELEASE and BARGAIN BOOK: Madcap Mulligan Jokes for Kids: Volume I by D.K. Nanook (Click for UK, Australia, Canada or India purchase).  Why not grab a copy today?

Wildly funny clean jokes for kids! Madcap Mulligan Jokes for Kids will have children laughing aloud and rolling on the floor.
Teacher: If the boy next door had five apples
and you left him two what would you have?
Madcap Mulligan: One angry neighbor.

Q: What is a bull that always tells the truth?
A: Believe a bull.

Madcap Mulligan: I can't do puzzles with the teacher anymore.
Molly: Why not?
Madcap Mulligan: She said she can't find any piece when I'm around.

1 comment:

  1. I got a copy and my kids love these jokes. I must admit I was laughing also.
    Thank you
