Friday, 25 September 2015

BARGAIN BOOK: Squall: From the Storms of Mental Illness to Rich Faith by Robert Gunning

Now available as a BARGAIN BOOK is Squall: From the Storms of Mental Illness to Rich Faith by Robert Gunning (Click for UK , Australia, Canada or India purchase).  Why not grab a copy now?

"The author writes with a half smile: 'Talk faith to the average doctor and you'll likely have your meds adjusted!' Some will find this faith journey and account rigid or too orthodox, but here is a writer who bravely covers both faith and mental illness with honesty and insight. That makes his experiences twice as valuable. This is a rare look. Every person's faith journey is different. The goal is finding one's way. Very helpful!" (E Book Review)

This riveting biography and dramatic first-hand account of a young man's battle with mental illness (bi-polar) is exacerbated further by his strong desire to find an authentic expression of the Catholic faith. Hired by a large advertising agency before he even graduated college, you'll read how this promising future of his was tragically upended. But by the grace of God, and with much perseverance, he ends up with some surprise victories and notable accomplishments. Anyone who has to navigate these waters must read this story.

Squall details two hospitalizations (one lasting nearly two months) and a first and costly wrong diagnosis. The author's inpatient observations and journal excerpts here are insightful. Some will benefit from his strategies and coping skills for successfully re-entering everyday life.

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