Tuesday 27 March 2012

BOOK OF THE DAY: Crystal Shade: Angeni, Volume 1 by István Szabó Ifj

Crystal Shade: Angeni, Volume 1 
by István Szabó Ifj
(Click here for UK purchase)

Seven year old Grace always dreamt of becoming a guardian angel; like those who guarded and guided her people and prepared to bravely fight in a dreaded mythical event, the Crystal Shade - which never came. It's not like Grace ever wanted to see Demons. Or wants to know what evil and darkness is - things that no one ever faced on her world and as the legends says, the Crystal Shade carries within -, nor does she want to die to be reborn as a guardian. But she thinks the mysterious life of angels is so noble, a fable that it sounds exciting - until it actually happens.

Crystal Shade: Angeni, Volume 1 explores the early life of a young daydreaming soul who is destined to reveal the forgotten past of her home world and to seek the answer to the eternal question; what the legendary Crystal Shade really is.

Crystal Shade: Episodes #1 

Crystal Shade: Episodes #2

Anno Humanae Salutis

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