Friday 29 June 2012

BOOK OF THE DAY: The Spaces Between (A Drunkard's Journey) by Martin Gibbs

by Martin Gibbs

A brazen mercenary believes he can learn magic from an exiled warlock. Not content with taking along experienced help, he enlists Zhy, the town drunk, to escort him on his journey. Convinced he is part of some misdirected script, Zhy joins the strange quest, hoping only to keep the ale flowing. However, the pair is soon saddled with an aloof and peculiar companion, and the three find themselves fighting demons, elite assassins, the elements, and each other. An idiot man-child follows, guided by Zhy’s dead father, who hopes he can keep Zhy away from the threshold of Hell. Sadly, each man is only a pawn in a wicked scheme.

***** UPDATE ****

Includes a preview of the forthcoming follow-up, Dead Spaces. Part II of A Drunkard's Journey will be released Summer of 2012!


I am a big fan of Robert Jordan, George RR Martin, and R. Scott Bakker. I also enjoy Ellery Queen mysteries and books about Arctic survival. I'm an avid cross-country skier, mountain biker, poet, cook, and I know three chords on the guitar.
Active projects include A Drunkard's Journey (Dead Spaces is coming out this spring!), an attempt at a 1930's mystery, a Christian-based piece of historical fiction, and a smattering of short stories. 


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