Wednesday, 2 September 2015

FREE BOOK FIND: Time to Go! by Norvia Semoy Abiona

FREE to download TODAY is Time to Go! Leaving Emotional Abuse and Other Forms of Abusive Relationships by Norvia Semoy Abiona  (Click for UK , Australia, Canada or India download).  Why not download a copy before it goes back to full price?

Whilst some people may not know three people who are experiencing significant domestic abuse, I personally know at least one hundred individuals who have or are experiencing it. Sadly, I knew of at least five friends who have died as a result.

I have experienced living through domestic violence and successfully left that environment many years ago. Now, because of that and my willingness to share my story, I have seen, heard and spoken to hundreds who are either in denial, or are content to accept abuse as part of their regular life. On the other hand I personally know many people who have left an abusive relationship and are really happy and abuse-free today. I wrote this book to help bring inspiration, information and motivation to as many more victims as I can.

ABUSE – Getting to the Heart of the Matter
A plague is sweeping the earth, not one of pestilence or disease but one of abuse and control. Relationship change expert, coach and inspirational speaker, Norva Semoy Abiona, holds nothing back in this courageous look at abusive relationships. She has helped individuals overcome anger, resolve conflict and restore trust and broken relationships; all in an effort to transform homes and lives. In addition, she been there, experienced it all, and is now willing to share the wealth of her information with you. Why? You might ask. Freedom! She’s felt the nagging loneliness and sadness of oppression, and now dedicates her life to helping others escape the same fate.

I am a Survivor
Through her own harrowing experiences and the lives of countless women, stranded in the same circumstances, Norva unravels the dangers of abuse and lays out a step-by-step plan to put it behind you. Find comfort and strength in reading from a professional who has walked in your shoes and felt your pain. “The mental effect of abuse is deep reaching and can be devastating; it always has an effect on the victim.”

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