Saturday, 9 January 2016

INTERVIEW: Stella Wilkinson

FLURRIES UNLIMITED (FU) had a great chat with best-selling romance, YA and paranormal author, Stella Wilkinson (SW).  Here is what we discussed:

FU:  Thank you for talking to us. There are so many different genres to choose from and with your penchant for antique books, what inspired you to write YA, paranormal and romantic comedies?

SW: I do collect antique books, but I rarely read them, most of them are seriously dull. Teen and paranormal romance has always been my go-to on my kindle. I love to read it, so I knew I would also love to write it.

FU:  Being English, you must have a unique take on writing in a market that is heavily dominated by U.S. readers.  In what ways do you think this affects your writing?

SW:  Groan, that's definitely an issue. The American market likes books a lot "sweeter" than the British market. I had a few "moms" wag their finger at me in review form, and I took it on board and went back and cleaned all the books up a little. Then I got some backlash in the UK saying they were not as realistic, but you have to be responsible I think, and I could tell from my reader fan mail that a lot of pre-teens were picking up my books even though they were marked as 12+.

FU:  You've written so many books.  Which is your favourite and why?
SW: It will always be the first book The Flirting Games, I wrote it for pleasure with no thought of it ever being published, and even though I hope my writing has improved since then, I do think my enjoyment in it really shows through.

FU:  They say that every character has some of the author in him/her.  Which of your characters is most like you?  In what way?
SW: I've kept a decade worth of diaries from my own teens (which are a
goldmine for stories) and I confess that Notice Me is almost totally lifted from my own life (though don't tell anyone lol). But because it is the most real, it is also my raciest book, so it carries a 15+ warning.

 FU: So what is on the horizon?  What are your new projects? When is your next new release?
SW: I'm currently wrapping up the Lessons in Love Series, a sweet romance trilogy, aimed more at the pre-teen market. The last one Game, Set, and Mismatch will be out in the spring. I also have a short story being edited now for Valentine's Day, and then I'll probably start on Book Six in The Flirting Games Series as that seems to be the one most readers are waiting for. Details of new and upcoming releases can always be found on my website
FU:  Thank you so much!

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